Practicing as a Woman Clinician in today's healthcare environment is more challenging than ever.

Fortunately, you don't have to wait for the system to change  before you can start living the life you desire and deserve.


I can help you do exactly that.


Your best life doesn't have to wait.

(And you can earn CME in the process)

Sarah, Physician Assistant, Family Practice
'Your Best Life for Women APCs' Winter 2024

"[After going through the program I am now] saving 1+ hour per day on charting, making it home for dinner in time, feeling more positive going into the workday, and having better communication and delegation with support staff.

I've also set boundaries in a friendship to help prevent resentment and be more open and honest about my needs. Improved how I feel about my relationship with my parents.

I feel more in control in my life and relationships."

Make sure  to get updates about 'Your Best Life for Women APCs' special offers and events and receive valuable tips and strategies that you can start implementing right away to help you in creating Your Best Life:

Ready to Live Your Best Life?


If you are a Woman Advanced Practice Clinician* who is ready to elevate her life, feel better, and get the support she needs and deserves, then this program is for YOU.



Your Best Life- for Women Advanced Practice Clinicians  

a 10-week virtual small group coaching program 

Stay tuned for next open enrollment dates (join my email list to get updates!) 



 *Different institutions use different terms--so whether it's Advanced Practice Clinician (APC), Advanced Clinical Practitioner (ACP), or Advanced Practice Provider (APP) at your institution, this program is for:


ARNPs, PA-CsDPTs, PsyDsPharmDs, MS RDNs, ODs, and more!

Don't see your clinician type here and wonder if this program might be for you too? Just reach out and ask at: [email protected]

Hear from Paige, PA-C, a 'Your Best Life for Women APCs' Winter 2024 participant

as she talks about some of the incredible things she has gained from being a part of this AND witness the genuine loving support and connection amongst the women inside this group.


It's going to make you smile...and run, not walk, to grab your spot in the Spring program!



Being a woman clinician is hard...I know because I've been one.

I chose to become a physician because I wanted to help people, have a fulfilling and rewarding career, and to have the freedom to create a work-life balance that would allow me to enjoy my life to its fullest.

And while I did love many aspects of practicing as a physician, I also found that after all the hard work, sacrifice, and financial investment it took to finally 'arrive' at that point of attending, I also found myself:

-in constant fear of making a mistake

-afraid of not living up to expectations from patients, supervisors, and colleagues alike

-feeling overwhelmed by my schedule and workload

-repeatedly defaulting to my people-pleasing tendencies despite intentions to set boundaries 

- in my inbox at all hours of the nights and weekends

-hating how absolutely drained I felt at the end of each day

-when at work, feeling like I was missing out on being the mother I wanted to and thought I'd be 

-sometimes feeling envious of my friends who were stay-at-home moms

-when at home being a mother, feeling I should be working harder and better as a clinician

-sometimes feeling envious of my friends with ‘boring’ office jobs

-wondering if I had made the right decision going into medicine 

-feeling like an imposter

-convinced I was doing it all wrong

-frequently wondering: 'how long can I keep doing this?'


If you can relate to one, some, or all of the above, please know that:




I can HELP




And...You DON'T HAVE TO WAIT  for the (very broken) healthcare system OR any other thing OR any other person to change before that can happen. 


I am Dr. Sara Tamarin, a Board-Certified Pediatrician turned passionate Life & Mindset Coach, dedicated to empowering professionals across various fields. As the founder of Sara Tamarin, MD Coaching LLC and of an innovative coaching program at the institution where I practiced medicine for almost 2 decades, I have had the privilege of impacting over 200 clinicians through my coaching. Helping clinicians to navigate the many challenges of working in our current (broken) healthcare system and to feel better has been one of the greatest joys of my life.

And I can't wait to help you feel better too.

Coaching changed my life and it can change yours too


How do I know? Because I've seen it change the lives of the hundreds of clinicians that I've helped through my coaching programs. 

Here's what some of those Clinicians have said about what changed for them:


“Now I typically only have a couple of charts to complete at the end of the week as opposed to 20-30 like before.”


"This program was extremely helpful…I feel better able to deal with the many stressors that come with being a clinician and balancing that with family life."


I was a physician struggling with burnout and was ready to leave medicine altogether. I was seeing a therapist but I found Sara’s coaching so much more helpful because she is a doctor and she gets it. After the program I am now happier and more confident at work. Thank you!”


"I found that I was able to really communicate with Sara. She helped me with boundaries, overworking, underperforming, imposter syndrome, over-eating and so much more."


"It helped shift me into a more positive mindset and decreased my mental fatigue. It's helped me to function within the broken healthcare system instead of continuing to wallow in despair and circling the drain. It has been nice to feel a sense of control over my headspace and my day again." 


"I feel a greater sense of self calm. It's been really helpful as a parent (for myself and teaching my kids this mindset), as a person, a spouse, and clinician." 


 "It reminded me why I love medicine again. Took edge off of depression, resentment and anger. I’ve been enjoying patient visits more almost all of every day."

It’s Time To:

  • Feel re-energized in your work and remember why you became an APC in the first place 


  • Learn to work smarter, not harder so you can actually get to be home at dinnertime instead of alone in your office finishing charts

  • Have the support you need from a group of women clinicians who understand how hard this is in a way that nobody else can

  • Create the beautiful life you want and deserve. (Yes, this is absolutely possible for YOU!)

Your Best Life: A Coaching Program for Women APCs

When: Next Program dates TBD

What: This will be an 10-week Interactive Virtual C
oaching Program with synchronous and asynchronous components

Who: Different institutions use different terms--so whether it's Advanced Practice Clinician (APC), Advanced Clinical Practitioner (ACP), or Advanced Practice Provider (APP) at your institution, this program is for you including: ARNPs, PA-CsDPTs, PsyDsPharmDs, MS RDNs. 

Why: Because you want to be living Your Best Life, and this program will help you to do just that!


Become empowered to intentionally cultivate your mindset, to regulate your emotions, and to manage your time and habits. This program helps you to:

  • Learn how to use your brain's incredible capacity for neuroplasticity to work for you, not against you
  • Enhance emotional intelligence and master feelings so that you show up the way you want to for yourself and others even in challenging moments
  • Foster meaningful relationships and communication skills
  • Set and pursue goals aligned with your future self and the life you want to be living

This journey is about transforming your life with intention and purpose.

The Nuts and Bolts of the Program:

  • Twice Weekly* Live Coaching and Didactics via Zoom (they will be recorded so no worries if you can't attend live)
  • Expert Guest Coaching Sessions (see details further down)
  • An Amazing & Supportive Community of Like-Minded Women Clinicians
  • Online Self-Paced Curriculum and Worksheets
  • Sharing of Resources for Supplemental Learning
  • Personalized Coaching via Email, Text Message, and/or Voxer
  • Private Facebook Group Community
  • CME credit available for Nurse Practitioners, Physician Assistants, PharmDs, and others. Powered by CMEfy.
  • Private Podcast for Audio replay of Coaching Sessions (a listen-on-the go alternative to rewatching Zoom video recordings) 

Live Sessions will Include Coaching as well as Teaching around the following Topics (& more):

These topics also align with online curriculum modules which participants can access on the program website at their own pace.


Mindset Matters: Explores the transformative power of mindset in overcoming biases and fallacies, unlocking a more intentional, positive, and effective approach to life and decision-making.


Feelings in Focus: Understand and manage emotions, focusing on the differences between resisting, avoiding, and allowing feelings.


Relationship with Self: Overcome imposter syndrome, perfectionism, and limiting beliefs, and focus on enhancing self-worth, self-compassion, confidence, and acceptance.


Relationships with Others: Covers setting boundaries, effective communication with colleagues, supervisors, and patients, handling difficult patient interactions, parenting skills, and embracing leadership roles.


Time Management: Focuses on aligning activities with personal values, eliminating non-essentials, decision-making, delegating, overcoming procrastination, and creating a balance between work and home life.


Behavior Change & Habit Creation: Explores motivation, the power of tiny habits, the importance of celebrating achievements, and maintaining focus on intentions for effective personal transformation.


Your Future Self: Encompasses creating an abundant mindset around all that you already have, defining current desires, setting actionable goals, preparing for challenges, and becoming your future self now.


Bringing it all together to live Your Best Life: Synthesizes the concepts covered, the tools gathered, and the lessons learned and provides a roadmap for living your best life moving forward.

'Your Best Life for Women APCs' Guest Coaches


These amazing Women Physician Coaches guest-taught inside the Winter 2024 program. The Guest-Coach lineup and dates for the next running of the program will be listed below as they become available.

Sarah Smith is 'The Charting Coach.' She helps clinicians get today's work done today and create time for the things they love. No more charting at night. 


Karen Leitner specializes in helping women physicians feel better in their lives. She  will be talking about what every woman clinician must know about negotiation so they stop leaving money on the table and earn what they deserve

Kricia Palmer is a physician turned interior designer and coach. She helps crazy busy women clinicians create intentionally designed spaces that makes coming home the best part of their day


Past Clinician Coaching Client 


“Coming out of the program it’s a good feeling when things are chaotic at work and am as cool as a cucumber—the impact of the chaos now lands differently.”

Past Clinician Coaching Client


“It helped me reframe my interactions with a difficult teammate, find ways to manage my time better, and helped with the anxiety associated with transitions from stretches on and off work.”

Past Clinician Coaching Client


“It gave me the confidence to set boundaries that allow me to thrive"

Past Clinician Coaching Client 


"Sara is the best! She understands the clinical side and the emotional side of being a Healthcare provider. This program helped me in and out of the clinic setting. It gave me the tools to improve myself in multiple aspects of my life."

Past Clinician Coaching Client


"I've significantly increased the days that I leave the clinic with all my charting and inbox complete."


Past Clinician Coaching Client


"You will learn valuable time management skills as well as how to battle imposter syndrome, which was especially useful to me as someone early in my career."

Past Clinician Coaching Client 


“ I highly recommend the program to anyone who is burnt out, having doubts about their work/position, and also those wanting a boost of renewed energy to their work life and home life."

Past Clinician Coaching Client


"It was one of the best things I've ever done personally and professionally. I wish I had done the coaching program years ago but am so grateful it was available to me at this time. Just do it. You wont regret it.”

Past Clinician Coaching Client


"I highly recommend the program for a boost of renewed energy to anyone feeling burnout,  unsure of what is next for their career, or who want to connect with likeminded clinicians."

Make sure  to get updates about 'Your Best Life for Women APCs' special offers and events and receive valuable tips and strategies that you can start implementing right away to help you in creating Your Best Life:

Have questions? Contact me here

I'd love to hear from you.